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Many seek illumination by lighting a lamp, when the true light is within.

- Master Cheng Yen


This is my signature program designed with you in mind!

Are you tired of feeling tired, uninspired and like you are just going through the motions of life? Would you like to feel energized and empowered to create the life you really want so you can live feeling fully alive?

Image by Jude Beck

My ilYOUminate Your Life program is designed to create a safe and supportive space where you can be honest with yourself and learn new ways for approaching life’s challenges and demands on you. 

By signing up for the ilYOUminate Your Life Program™, you will:


  • Create balance in your life by having less guilt about stepping away from work

  • Kick burnout to the curb and have less fatigue and more mental clarity

  • Have more energy to do the things you WANT to do instead of only the things you think you should do

  • Have more joy and fun in your life by creating time for family, friends and YOU

  • Be able to give more without sacrificing your own health

All of this is possible because you’ll:


  • Learn what has the biggest and most immediate impact to increase your energy

  • Discover where you are stuck and learn ways to move past those roadblocks

  • Develop a plan that works for you to effectively manage stress in your life 

  • Learn where and how to create boundaries in your life to gain the love and respect you deserve

  • Discover what you actually find fun and brings you joy

This program is for you if you:


  • Recognize that your life is out of balance because you are always focused on others and neglect yourself

  • Are ready to look within to uncover your truth and create a vision for your life

  • Are willing to get curious and try new things to achieve the results you desire

  • Are ready to take action to live the life of your dreams!

Are you feeling inspired to take the next steps and create a plan that empowers you to take action towards living the life you deserve? 


Book a call today and let's get you started on your journey!

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